Uhura Solutions achieves ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification
Uhura Solutions, a low-code contract intelligence platform, has achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for meeting the highest international standards of information security management systems.The ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is the globally recognised standard for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, maintaining, and improving an ISMS, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It […]
Gartner forecasts worldwide AI software market to reach $62 billion in 2022
The analyst firm Gartner has said that artificial intelligence software will make up $62.5 billion in revenue in 2022, rising by more than a fifth (21.3%) compared to 2021. Enterprises will most likely spend the majority of this money on knowledge management, virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles, digital workplaces and crowdsourced data. Knowledge Management is expected […]
Uhura Solutions at Websummit 2021
We are excited to be part of Web Summit this year in Lisbon! If you happen to be there, come to meet us on Wednesday, November 3rd, we will be at stand number A 628, Pavilion 4, ALPHA 6. Hope to see you there! #AI #contractintelligence #websummit2021
An introduction to information extraction from unstructured and semi-structured documents
Extracting relevant information from unstructured, semi-structured, and structured document images is a common task in many commercial products. There are many information extraction techniques for the business document. Let’s get acquainted with the principles of information extraction from documents. Author: Goran Sukovic, PhD in Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Montenegro For […]
Uhura Solutions has been singled out as one of the Top Startups in the AWS AI challenge
What a great start to #2021! We are proud to announce that Uhura Solutions has been singled out as one of the Top Startups in the AWS AI CHALLENGE. Our contract intelligence solutions have us recognized by the industry experts in the areas important to us and our customers: innovation, business support, sellable, complexity, and […]
Uhura Solutions Recognized as a Major Player in the Markets and Research Global Contract Intelligence Market Growth 2020-2025 report
Uhura Solutions has been recognized as a Major Player in contract intelligence in the Markets and Research global contract intelligence market growth (status and outlook) 2020-2025 report. The report covers a variety of contract intelligence vendors and is based on a comprehensive framework to evaluate important aspects of the market. The report delivers information on key trends, […]
Uhura Solutions Secures Funding from the UK Government
hura Solutions has been awarded funding by Innovate UK’s Sustainable Innovation Fund to develop its contract intelligence platform, which will help businesses to reduce their legal costs and risk exposure. The company is developing advanced AI-based technologies to automate, clarify, and drastically enhance business productivity in relation to legal matters. “The pandemic has disrupted a […]
Why is mathematics important for machine learning engineers and data scientists?
Author: Goran Sukovic, PhD in Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Montenegro One of the most common questions from my students when they start to learn computer science is, “We are studying for a Computer Science major. Why we have to learn mathematics?” Recently, the question is slightly different. “I want to be […]
Understanding Logistic Regression
We give a short introduction to the logistic regression model. Logistic regression is simply an extension of the linear regression model. We introduce a few new statistical concepts, but they are relatively simple and within reach of anyone who can use linear models. Logistic regression provides the foundation for more sophisticated machine learning techniques. Author: […]
Uhura Force Majeure Contract Review Now Available in AWS Marketplace
Uhura Solutions has announced that the enterprise edition of its AI-based force majeure contract review service is now available in AWS Marketplace. The solution analyzes force majeure clauses that allow the party to back out of a deal without penalty, as well as other contract clauses to estimate litigation risk. Uhura Solutions, a global contract […]